Tutorial 113 also creates text objects that display the current values of the parameters on the top right of the chart.
When the value in Excel cell G1 is changed, the program starts plotting an updated value for the moving average. The lengths of the moving averages are determined by values stored in a spreadsheet in specific cells (G1 and H1). What does the program do? Parameter values stored in the spreadsheet Tutorial 113 applied to a 15 second bar GBPUSD chart. The program is available for download for a small fee or for FREE to Gold Pass members. The tutorial also demonstrates the use of the Drawing, ChartingHost and Timer objects as well as the use of methods. In tutorial 113 the data is flowing in the opposite direction.
In tutorial 112, I demonstrated passing data from TradeStation to Excel. Tutorial 113 demonstrates how data stored in an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet may be used in a TradeStation EasyLanguage program applied to a chart. Use data from Excel spreadsheet in an EasyLanguage program